地址:湖北省荊州市荊州區南環路1號 電話:0716-8060650
發布時間:2017-07-20 12:09:47閱讀次數:
賴璐 職稱:教授 博導/碩導:碩士生導師 學科專業:膠體與界面化學 研究方向:油氣田應用化學、功能性水凝膠材料 聯系方式:[email protected] 湖北荊州人,博士,教授,碩士生導師,湖北省新世紀高層次人才工程人選,主要從事膠體與界面化學等方面的科研與教學工作。主持或主研10余項國家、省部級及企業委托課題,在國內外期刊公開發表學術論文40余篇,其中SCI收錄23篇 (第1作者或通訊作者),出版學術專著1部,獲省部級獎勵3項,獲授權發明專利5項。主講本科生課程:《物理化學》、《物理化學實驗》;主講研究生課程:《高等物理化學》。2006年獲長江大學第二屆青年教師講課比賽一等獎。2009年獲長江大學“最受學生喜愛的教師”稱號。2018年獲長江大學第二屆長江人才——領軍人才稱號。2019年獲湖北省化學化工青年創新獎。 個人簡歷 ●1997.09—2001.07 武漢大學,應用化學,學士●2006.09—2009.07 長江大學,環境工程,碩士●2010.09—2013.07 武漢大學,物理化學,博士●2002.10—至今 長江大學,beat365,教授●2019.01—2019.10 加拿大University of Calgary,訪問學者 主要研究項目 ●國家自然科學基金青年項目(21403017):量子點與細胞膜相互作用熱力學及其機制,2015.1-2017.12,主持●湖北省教育廳青年人才項目(Q20141302):近紅外量子點的表面調控及其跨膜機制研究,2014/01-2015/12,主持●中國石油科技創新基金項目(2011D-5006-0211):新型陰離子型Gemini表面活性劑的合成及性能研究,2011/06-2013/06,主持●中國石油化工股份有限公司華北油氣分公司(34550139-18-FW0421-0001):大122井酸壓返排臭氣成因分析及處置方法研究,2018/08-2018/09,主持●中海油田服務股份有限公司天津分公司(G1915B-0620T208):高分子低溫破乳劑研究,2019/04-2020/04,主持●催化材料制備及應用湖北省重點實驗室開放基金項目(201901603):Gemini表面活性劑對介孔雙金屬氧化物的結構調控及環境催化性能研究,2019/04-2021/04,主持 代表性成果 (1)獲獎情況●Gemini表面活性劑技術研究與應用,2015年湖北省科技進步獎一等獎。(排名第1)●油田改善注水與逐級深部調剖用化學劑及其應用,2014年中國石油和化學工業聯合會科技進步獎二等獎。(排名第10)(2)學術論文●Li-Mei Wu, Wan-Ju Zhang, Lu Lai*, Ping Mei, Li Cheng, Yan-Qun Wang, Yi Liu. Aqueous-Organic phase transfer of nanoparticles: The effects of molecular tructures of cationic surfactants. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020, 311: 113323.●Chang-Qing Xiao*, Qing Huang, Yu Zhang, Hong-Quan Zhang, Lu Lai*. Binding thermodynamics of divalent metal ions to several biological buffers. Thermochimica Acta, 2020, 691: 178721.●Chuyu Kang, Juan Wu, Yancheng Zheng, Lu Lai*. Studies on the surface properties and microaggregates of cationic/anionic surfactant mixtures based on sulfonate gemini surfactant. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020.●Yan Li, Lu Lai*, Ping Mei, Wei-Xing Zhang, Yu-Hang Li, Li Cheng, Yan-Qun Wang, Yi Liu. Surface properties and solubility enhancement of Gemini/conventional surfactant mixtures based on sulfonate Gemini surfactant. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2019, 276: 488-496.●Qi-Xiang Mei, Lu Lai*, Sheng-Jing Li, Ping Mei, Yan-Qun Wang, Qian-Li Ma, Yi Liu. Surface properties and phase behavior of Gemini/conventional surfactant mixtures based on multiple quaternary ammonium salts. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2019, 281: 506-516.●Qing Tian, Lu Lai*, Zhi-Qiang Zhou, Ping Mei, Qingye Lu, Yan-Qun Wang, Dong Xiang, Yi Liu. The interaction mechanism of different surfactants with casein: a perspective on bulk and interfacial phase behavior. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2019, 67: 6336-6349.●Li-Mei Wu, Lu Lai*, Qingye Lu, Ping Mei, Yan-Qun Wang, Li Cheng, Yi Liu. Comparative studies on the surface/interface properties and aggregation behavior of mono-rhamnolipid and di-rhamnolipid. Colloids and surfaces B, 2019, 181: 593-601.●Xiao-Qian Wei, Wan-Ju Zhang, Lu Lai*, Li-Mei Wu, Ping Mei, Yan-Qun Wang. Different cationic surfactants-modified silica nanoparticles for Pickering emulsions. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2019, 291: 111341.●Sheng-Jin Li, Lu Lai*, Ping Mei, Yan Li, Li Cheng, Zhao-Hua Ren, Yi Liu. Equilibrium and dynamic surface properties of cationic/anionic surfactant mixtures based on bisquaternary ammonium salt. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2018, 254:248-254.●Yan Li, Lu Lai*, Ping Mei, Sheng-Jin Li, Li Cheng, Zhao-Hua Ren, Yan-Cheng Zheng, Yi Liu. Equilibrium and dynamic surface properties of cationic/anionic surfactant mixtures based on carboxylate Gemini surfactant. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 2018, 21(6):845-858.●Wei-Xing Zhang, Lu Lai*, Ping Mei, Yan Li, Yu-Hang Li, Yi Liu. Enhanced removal efficiency of acid red 18 from aqueous solution using wheat bran modified by multiple quaternary ammonium salts. Chemical Physics Letters, 2018, 710: 193-201.●Lu Lai, Si-Yu Sheng, Ping Mei, Yi Liu*, Qing-Lian Guo*. Hydrothermal synthesis for high-quality glutathione-capped CdxZn1-xSe and CdxZn1-xSe/ZnS alloyed quantum dots and its application in Hg (Ⅱ) sensing. Luminescence: The Journal of Biological and Chemical Luminescence, 2017, 32(2): 231-239.●Lu Lai*, Sheng-Jin Li, Jing Feng, Ping Mei, Zhao-Hua Ren, Yan-Ling Chang, Yi Liu*. Effects of surface charges on the bactericide activity of CdTe/ZnS quantum dots: a cell membrane disruption perspective. Langmuir, 2017, 33:2378-2386.●Lu Lai, Ping Mei*, Xiao-Mei Wu, Li Cheng, Zhao-Hua Ren, Yi Liu. Interfacial dynamic properties and dilational rheology of sulfonate Gemini surfactant and its mixtures with quaternary ammonium bromides at air-water interface. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 2017, 20(3):565-576.●Lu Lai*, Xiao-Qian Wei, Wei-Hua Huang, Ping Mei, Zhao-Hua Ren, Yi Liu*. Impact of carbon quantum dots on dynamic properties of BSA and BSA/DPPC adsorption layers. Journal of Colloid Interface Science, 2017, 506:245-254.●Qi-Xiang Mei, Lu Lai*, Zhi-Qiang Zhou, Ping Mei, Zhao-Hua Ren, Yan-Cheng Zheng, Yi Liu. Impact of multiple quaternary ammonium salts on dynamic properties of BSA adsorption layer at different pH values. Soft Matter, 2017, 13, 7273-7282.●Lu Lai, Ya-Ping Li, Ping Mei, Wu Chen, Feng-Lei Jiang, Yi Liu*. Size effects on the interaction of QDs with the mitochondrial membrane in vitro. Journal of Membrane Biology, 2016, 249(6):757-767.●Lu Lai, Ping Mei*, Xiao-Mei Wu, Li Cheng, Yi Liu. Interfacial dynamic properties and dilational rheology of mixed anionic and cationic Gemini surfactant systems at air-water interface. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2016, 509:341-350. ●Lu Lai, Jian-Cheng Jin, Zi-Qiang Xu, Yu-Shu Ge, Feng-Lei Jiang*, Yi Liu*. Spectroscopic and microscopic studies on the mechanism of mitochondrial toxicity induced by CdTe QDs modified with different ligands. Journal of Membrane Biology, 2015, 248(4): 727-740.●Lu Lai, Jian-Cheng Jin, Zi-Qiang Xu, Ping Mei, Feng-Lei Jiang*, Yi Liu*. Necrotic cell death induced by the protein-mediated intercellular uptake of CdTe Quantum dots. Chemosphere, 2015, 135: 240-249.●Lu Lai, Ping Mei*, Xiao-Mei Wu, Cong Hou, Yan-Cheng Zheng, Yi Liu. Micellization of anionic gemini surfactants and their interaction with polyacrylamide. Colloid polymer Science, 2014, 292: 2821-2830.●Lu Lai, Chen Lin, Chang-Qing Xiao, Zi-Qiang Xu, Xiao-Le Han, Li Fu, Dong-Wei Li, Ping Mei, Feng-Lei Jiang*, Qing-Lian Guo, Yi Liu*. Adhesion of quantum dots-induced membrane damage of Escherichia coli. Journal of Colloid Interface Science, 2013, 389:61-70.●Lu Lai, Chen Lin, Zi-Qiang Xu, Xiao-Le Han, Fang-Fang Tian, Ping Mei, Dong-Wei Li, Yu-Shu Ge, Feng-Lei Jiang*, Ye-Zhong Zhang, Yi Liu*. Spectroscopic studies on the interactions between CdTe quantum dots coated with different ligands and human serum albumin. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2012, 97:366–376.(3)出版著作●梅平, 賴璐, 鄭延成. Gemini表面活性劑的合成及性能研究[M]. 北京:化學工業出版社, 2014.3.(4)專利及軟件著作權●發明專利:賴璐,梅平,霍松,鄭延成,陳武,艾俊哲,劉華榮,王艷群, 一種羧酸鹽型雙子表面活性劑及合成方法,2012.07.04,ZL201010292221.2●發明專利:王占生,梅平,鄒華,李春曉,賴璐,陳武,張建民,楊忠平,李秀敏,一種落地油泥復配清洗藥劑及其應用,2016.06.08,ZL201310397662.2●發明專利:賴璐,李中寶,梅平,劉義,顏學敏,一種兩性量子點及其制備方法和應用,2017.05.31,ZL201511025173.X●發明專利:賴璐,梅平,吳小梅,吳娟,鄭延成,侯聰,正負離子表面活性劑復配混合物及其制備方法,2017.07.07,ZL201410389200.0●發明專利:賴璐,鄭慧玲,梅平,劉義,顏學敏,一種磁性熒光雙功能量子點及其制備方法和應用,2017.10.24,201511026949.X●實用新型專利: 賴璐,張偉星,梅平,李升錦,李艷,李宇航,一種基于改性麥麩的印染廢水處理裝置,2019.05.24,201820529810.X
聯系方式:[email protected]
湖北荊州人,博士,教授,碩士生導師,湖北省新世紀高層次人才工程人選,主要從事膠體與界面化學等方面的科研與教學工作。主持或主研10余項國家、省部級及企業委托課題,在國內外期刊公開發表學術論文40余篇,其中SCI收錄23篇 (第1作者或通訊作者),出版學術專著1部,獲省部級獎勵3項,獲授權發明專利5項。主講本科生課程:《物理化學》、《物理化學實驗》;主講研究生課程:《高等物理化學》。2006年獲長江大學第二屆青年教師講課比賽一等獎。2009年獲長江大學“最受學生喜愛的教師”稱號。2018年獲長江大學第二屆長江人才——領軍人才稱號。2019年獲湖北省化學化工青年創新獎。
●1997.09—2001.07 武漢大學,應用化學,學士
●2006.09—2009.07 長江大學,環境工程,碩士
●2010.09—2013.07 武漢大學,物理化學,博士
●2002.10—至今 長江大學,beat365,教授
●2019.01—2019.10 加拿大University of Calgary,訪問學者
●Li-Mei Wu, Wan-Ju Zhang, Lu Lai*, Ping Mei, Li Cheng, Yan-Qun Wang, Yi Liu. Aqueous-Organic phase transfer of nanoparticles: The effects of molecular tructures of cationic surfactants. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020, 311: 113323.
●Chang-Qing Xiao*, Qing Huang, Yu Zhang, Hong-Quan Zhang, Lu Lai*. Binding thermodynamics of divalent metal ions to several biological buffers. Thermochimica Acta, 2020, 691: 178721.
●Chuyu Kang, Juan Wu, Yancheng Zheng, Lu Lai*. Studies on the surface properties and microaggregates of cationic/anionic surfactant mixtures based on sulfonate gemini surfactant. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020.
●Yan Li, Lu Lai*, Ping Mei, Wei-Xing Zhang, Yu-Hang Li, Li Cheng, Yan-Qun Wang, Yi Liu. Surface properties and solubility enhancement of Gemini/conventional surfactant mixtures based on sulfonate Gemini surfactant. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2019, 276: 488-496.
●Qi-Xiang Mei, Lu Lai*, Sheng-Jing Li, Ping Mei, Yan-Qun Wang, Qian-Li Ma, Yi Liu. Surface properties and phase behavior of Gemini/conventional surfactant mixtures based on multiple quaternary ammonium salts. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2019, 281: 506-516.
●Qing Tian, Lu Lai*, Zhi-Qiang Zhou, Ping Mei, Qingye Lu, Yan-Qun Wang, Dong Xiang, Yi Liu. The interaction mechanism of different surfactants with casein: a perspective on bulk and interfacial phase behavior. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2019, 67: 6336-6349.
●Li-Mei Wu, Lu Lai*, Qingye Lu, Ping Mei, Yan-Qun Wang, Li Cheng, Yi Liu. Comparative studies on the surface/interface properties and aggregation behavior of mono-rhamnolipid and di-rhamnolipid. Colloids and surfaces B, 2019, 181: 593-601.
●Xiao-Qian Wei, Wan-Ju Zhang, Lu Lai*, Li-Mei Wu, Ping Mei, Yan-Qun Wang. Different cationic surfactants-modified silica nanoparticles for Pickering emulsions. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2019, 291: 111341.
●Sheng-Jin Li, Lu Lai*, Ping Mei, Yan Li, Li Cheng, Zhao-Hua Ren, Yi Liu. Equilibrium and dynamic surface properties of cationic/anionic surfactant mixtures based on bisquaternary ammonium salt. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2018, 254:248-254.
●Yan Li, Lu Lai*, Ping Mei, Sheng-Jin Li, Li Cheng, Zhao-Hua Ren, Yan-Cheng Zheng, Yi Liu. Equilibrium and dynamic surface properties of cationic/anionic surfactant mixtures based on carboxylate Gemini surfactant. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 2018, 21(6):845-858.
●Wei-Xing Zhang, Lu Lai*, Ping Mei, Yan Li, Yu-Hang Li, Yi Liu. Enhanced removal efficiency of acid red 18 from aqueous solution using wheat bran modified by multiple quaternary ammonium salts. Chemical Physics Letters, 2018, 710: 193-201.
●Lu Lai, Si-Yu Sheng, Ping Mei, Yi Liu*, Qing-Lian Guo*. Hydrothermal synthesis for high-quality glutathione-capped CdxZn1-xSe and CdxZn1-xSe/ZnS alloyed quantum dots and its application in Hg (Ⅱ) sensing. Luminescence: The Journal of Biological and Chemical Luminescence, 2017, 32(2): 231-239.
●Lu Lai*, Sheng-Jin Li, Jing Feng, Ping Mei, Zhao-Hua Ren, Yan-Ling Chang, Yi Liu*. Effects of surface charges on the bactericide activity of CdTe/ZnS quantum dots: a cell membrane disruption perspective. Langmuir, 2017, 33:2378-2386.
●Lu Lai, Ping Mei*, Xiao-Mei Wu, Li Cheng, Zhao-Hua Ren, Yi Liu. Interfacial dynamic properties and dilational rheology of sulfonate Gemini surfactant and its mixtures with quaternary ammonium bromides at air-water interface. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 2017, 20(3):565-576.
●Lu Lai*, Xiao-Qian Wei, Wei-Hua Huang, Ping Mei, Zhao-Hua Ren, Yi Liu*. Impact of carbon quantum dots on dynamic properties of BSA and BSA/DPPC adsorption layers. Journal of Colloid Interface Science, 2017, 506:245-254.
●Qi-Xiang Mei, Lu Lai*, Zhi-Qiang Zhou, Ping Mei, Zhao-Hua Ren, Yan-Cheng Zheng, Yi Liu. Impact of multiple quaternary ammonium salts on dynamic properties of BSA adsorption layer at different pH values. Soft Matter, 2017, 13, 7273-7282.
●Lu Lai, Ya-Ping Li, Ping Mei, Wu Chen, Feng-Lei Jiang, Yi Liu*. Size effects on the interaction of QDs with the mitochondrial membrane in vitro. Journal of Membrane Biology, 2016, 249(6):757-767.
●Lu Lai, Ping Mei*, Xiao-Mei Wu, Li Cheng, Yi Liu. Interfacial dynamic properties and dilational rheology of mixed anionic and cationic Gemini surfactant systems at air-water interface. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2016, 509:341-350.
●Lu Lai, Jian-Cheng Jin, Zi-Qiang Xu, Yu-Shu Ge, Feng-Lei Jiang*, Yi Liu*. Spectroscopic and microscopic studies on the mechanism of mitochondrial toxicity induced by CdTe QDs modified with different ligands. Journal of Membrane Biology, 2015, 248(4): 727-740.
●Lu Lai, Jian-Cheng Jin, Zi-Qiang Xu, Ping Mei, Feng-Lei Jiang*, Yi Liu*. Necrotic cell death induced by the protein-mediated intercellular uptake of CdTe Quantum dots. Chemosphere, 2015, 135: 240-249.
●Lu Lai, Ping Mei*, Xiao-Mei Wu, Cong Hou, Yan-Cheng Zheng, Yi Liu. Micellization of anionic gemini surfactants and their interaction with polyacrylamide. Colloid polymer Science, 2014, 292: 2821-2830.
●Lu Lai, Chen Lin, Chang-Qing Xiao, Zi-Qiang Xu, Xiao-Le Han, Li Fu, Dong-Wei Li, Ping Mei, Feng-Lei Jiang*, Qing-Lian Guo, Yi Liu*. Adhesion of quantum dots-induced membrane damage of Escherichia coli. Journal of Colloid Interface Science, 2013, 389:61-70.
●Lu Lai, Chen Lin, Zi-Qiang Xu, Xiao-Le Han, Fang-Fang Tian, Ping Mei, Dong-Wei Li, Yu-Shu Ge, Feng-Lei Jiang*, Ye-Zhong Zhang, Yi Liu*. Spectroscopic studies on the interactions between CdTe quantum dots coated with different ligands and human serum albumin. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2012, 97:366–376.
●梅平, 賴璐, 鄭延成. Gemini表面活性劑的合成及性能研究[M]. 北京:化學工業出版社, 2014.3.
●發明專利:賴璐,梅平,霍松,鄭延成,陳武,艾俊哲,劉華榮,王艷群, 一種羧酸鹽型雙子表面活性劑及合成方法,2012.07.04,ZL201010292221.2
●實用新型專利: 賴璐,張偉星,梅平,李升錦,李艷,李宇航,一種基于改性麥麩的印染廢水處理裝置,2019.05.24,201820529810.X
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