(1)學術論文 ●Ding Kangle, Zhang Changmin. Interactions between organic nitrogen and inorganic matter in the pyrolysis zone of underground coal gasification: Insights from controlled pyrolysis experiments. Energy, 2017, 135: 279-293. ●Ding Kangle, Mei Ping, Luo Yue. Pyrite-hydrocarbon interaction under hydrothermal conditions: An alternative origin of H2S and organic sulfur compounds in sedimentary environments. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 2016, 90 (6 ): 2133–2148. ●Ding Kangle, Pierre Adam. Discussion on “The action of elemental sulfur plus water on 1-octene at low temperatures”by Said-Ahmad et al. (Organic Geochemistry 59, 82–86). Organic Geochemistry, 2015, 87: 133-136. ●Ding Kangle, Liu Yan, Xiao Qilin, et al. Pyrolysis of carbazole: Experimental results and kinetic study. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2015, 113: 370–379. ●丁康樂,羅躍,單敬福等,CaSO4-C-H2O體系研究: 模擬實驗與熱力學探討,地質學報,2013,87(3):424-432. ●丁康樂,王輝,羅躍等,碳酸鹽巖系有機氮與無機氧熱化學交換作用研究,沉積學報,2011,29(6):1180-1189. ●Ding Kangle, Wang Shasha, Li Shuyuan, et al.. Thermochemical reduction of magnesium sulphate by natural gas: Insights from an experimental study. Geochemical Journal, 2011, 45 (2): 97-108. ●Ding Kangle, Li Shuyuan, Yue Changtao, et al.. Simulation experiments on the reaction system of CH4-MgSO4-H2O. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008, 53(7): 1071-1078. (2)學術會議 ●2015.10,第15屆全國有機地球化學學術會議,川東北富固體瀝青碳酸鹽-硫酸鹽巖沉積層中硫化氫形成的地質-地球化學模型探討(以飛仙關組為例)(分會報告),山東青島 ●2013.11,第14屆全國有機地球化學學術會議,黃鐵礦-正戊烷-水體系中的有機-無機相互作用(分會報告),廣東珠海 ●2012.11,8th International Conference on Petroleum Geochemistry and Exploration in the Afro-Asian Region, An evaluation of the potential for reduction of dissolved sulfates to thiols (mercaptans) by natural gas,浙江杭州 ●2012.9, 29nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Organic Petrology, Organic-inorganic interactions in the system of pyrrole-hematite-water at elevated temperatures and pressures. Beijing ●2011.5, AAPG Hedberg Research Conference “Natural Gas Geochemistry: Recent Developments, Applications and Technologies”, Reduction of calcium sulfate by activated carbon under hydrothermal conditions: Experimental study and thermodynamic assessment. Beijing |